Friday, January 8, 2010

Study: Cell Phones Might Protect Against, Reverse Alzheimer's Disease

Finally, some good news for those of us who just can't seem to unglue our cell phones from our ears.

A new study at the University of South Florida's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center has found that long-term exposure to the electromagnetic waves associated with cell phone use might actually protect against or even reverse Alzheimer's disease.

The study involved 96 mice, most of which were genetically altered to develop beta-amyloid plaques and memory problems that mimicked Alzheimer's disease as they aged. Some of the mice were left non-demented so that researchers could also test the effects of electromagnetic waves on normal memory.

The mice were exposed to electromagnetic waves for two one-hour periods a day for seven to nine months. Researchers found that if mice were exposed to the waves before they were young adults - before their memory was impaired - their cognitive ability was protected. When older mice who were already displaying memory problems were exposed, their memory impairment disappeared. Months of exposure even boosted the memories of normal mice to above-normal levels.

It took months for the benefits of exposure to show up in mice. For humans, the same results would likely take years.

The researchers are suggesting that electromagnetic wave exposure might in fact be an effective, non-invasive, drug-free way to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease in humans.


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