Thursday, March 4, 2010

Need Another Culprit for Flu Outbreaks? Blame Dry Air

The same dry air that wreaks havoc with your skin and causes your hair to stand on end might also make you more susceptible to the flu.

Researchers have found that extremely low humidity levels, such as in those seen in the winter, can fuel influenza outbreaks. Particularly dry spells can also make outbreaks worse.

The researchers found that influenza outbreaks are more likely to occur when absolute humidity levels are low. Absolute humidity is the measure of how much moisture is in the air, regardless of temperature. Progressively drier air leads to a progressively higher likelihood that an influenza outbreak will occur.

However, humidity isn't the only explanation for outbreaks. The virus still needs to be hanging around and people still need to come into contact with it to spread it.

While the study's researchers suggest that humidifying your home might be helpful, they caution that it isn't a replacement for getting vaccinated.

To learn more, click here.


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