Thursday, May 19, 2011

CDC Prepares Citizens for Zombie Apocalypse (and Other Disasters)

The CDC has taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to getting more citizens prepared for emergencies. In their recent blog post Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, the agency shares tips for being prepared should the dead rise and roam the well as for emergencies that could actually happen.

Whether it's a zombie, a hurricane or a pandemic, the same basic preparedness rules apply (with the exception of finding something sharp with which to behead zombies, of course):
  • Keep a stocked emergency kit on hand
  • Develop an emergency plan
  • Trust that the CDC will conduct an investigation and provide assistance
Click here to learn more. This post was actually so popular that it caused the CDC's website to crash briefly, but it's now up and running and ready for you to get a chuckle - and learn a thing or two.


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