Monday, June 30, 2014

Four Reasons to Eat More Veggies

Just in case you need more reasons to dig into summer's abundant vegetables, check out the following four ways that they can lead to a healthier you!

  1. They fight bloat. Veggies contain a lot of fiber, which helps flush waste and gastric irritants out of the body. Fiber also helps prevent constipation by keeping the digestive tract moving. 
  2. They hydrate the skin and help fight wrinkles. Many veggies are 85 percent to 95 percent water. They also contain phytonutrients and vitamin C, which can help prevent premature aging. 
  3. They reduce stress. Vegetables contain key nutrients, including magnesium and vitamin C, that are quickly depleted during stressful times. They also contain tension-reducing omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins to help fight depression and anxiety. 
  4. They protect your bones. Like dairy foods, vegetables contain high levels of calcium and vitamin D. Some veggies also contain bone-builders such as vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and prebiotic fiber. 

To learn more, click here.


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