Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy National School Nurse Day!

Since 1972, the Wednesday within National Nurses Week has been designated as National School Nurse Day.

According to the National Association of School Nurses, there's no "typical" job description for a school nurse: "What DO school nurses do? If you ask that question to 50 nurses, you will get 50 different answers, and with good reason! The role of the school nurse is as varied as the spectrum of the rainbow. School nurses work in pre-schools, elementary, middle, and high schools; they work in public, private, parochial, and charter schools; they work in urban, suburban and rural districts; they work in wealthy, middle class, or poverty-stricken areas; they work at the grass roots level; they are coordinators or supervisors, consultants, and educators; they are new to school nursing or they are veterans; they are young and they are not-so-young."

Team ProMed thanks the school nurses of the world for all that they do to keep our children healthy and happy!


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