Monday, November 5, 2012

Superstorm Sandy Leaves Health Risks Behind

If you or a loved one live in an area affected by Superstorm Sandy, there are a number of health risks to keep in mind in the aftermath of the storm:

  1. Reduce your risk of carbon monoxide exposure by avoiding using appliances such as generators or stoves indoors to heat your home. 
  2. Keep in mind that floodwater may contain bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal diseases. Be sure to throw out any food that was touched by floodwater or sewage. You should also toss any food or drinks that were not properly refrigerated. 
  3. Stay away from downed power lines and assume that all power lines are live. 
  4. Wear gloves and protective glasses during cleanup to protect yourself from hand and eye injuries
  5. Avoid letting mold develop by getting water-damaged items dried and removed. 
  6. Check with your local department of health before drinking tap water to ensure that you are not under a boil order. (Most of the tap water across the New York area is safe to drink, but some areas, such as Long Beach City in Nassau County, are having problems.)
  7. Chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, might be exacerbated in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. Don't skip taking your medications. 

To learn more, click here


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