Friday, April 24, 2015

Study: People Who Feel Younger Live Longer

Need another excuse to not act your age?

Researchers in London have found that older people who felt three or more years younger than their chronological age had a lower death rate compared to those who felt their age or older. They also discovered that self-perceived age can affect assessments of health, physical limitations and well-being in later life.

The authors studied data from 6,489 people who averaged 65.8 years old but felt an average of 56.8 years old. They found that the mortality rates during an average follow-up of 99 months were 14.3 percent in adults who felt younger, 18.5 percent in those who felt about their age and 24.6 percent in adults who felt older than their actual age. There was a strong relationship between self-perceived age and cardiovascular death.

To learn more, click here


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