Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Few Extra Tips for Fighting H1N1 in LTC

By now, we all know the basics of H1N1 prevention. Here are a few additional tips geared specifically toward long-term care facilities.
  1. Keep your building as clean as possible to help control the spread of the virus once it gets inside (at this point, it's practically inevitable that H1N1 will find its way in).
  2. Observe people as they enter your facility to see if they exhibit signs of infection. If they do, politely ask them to leave until they recover.
  3. Create a quarantine area to isolate residents with H1N1 from the healthier population.
  4. Make sure you have a coordinated effort in place to keep surfaces clean. To clean surfaces, use antibacterial, alcohol-based sprays.
  5. Don't forget the air! Use an industrial air purifier in areas where people congregate, such as dining rooms and social rooms.
If you start using best practices now, you'll be ready when H1N1 eventually creeps through the doors to your facility!


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