Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Fall Prevention Strategy is "Out of This World"

A new study at the National Space Biomedical Research Institute is suggesting that technology created to help astronauts might be helpful to seniors with balance issues.

The Adaptability Training System (ATS) was developed to help astronauts overcome the dizziness, disorientation, motion sickness and lack of a sense of direction they often feel while experiencing weightlessness. When they return to Earth, ATS can help them readjust to gravity.

During ATS use, a treadmill is mounted to a moveable platform and placed in front of a large projection screen. Images of streets, hallways and rooms are shown on the screen. As the person walks, the image moves along with the platform, simulating balance disturbances.

The people behind ATS say that it could have enormous benefits for seniors and other people with balance problems. Forty percent of nursing home admissions are due to injuries caused by falls, and falling is the leading cause of accidental death for people over 75.


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