Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WSJ: Obama Using Recess Appointment to Install Berwick as CMS Leader

According to the Wall Street Journal, President Obama is planning to use a recess appointment to install Donald Berwick as the head of CMS.

This would sidestep confirmation hearings that were expected to be contentious and heated. Republicans had already taken aim at Berwick over his emphasis on cost controls and preference for the pay-for-performance healthcare model. Under this model, providers are paid according to the quality of care that their patients receive rather than for each procedure or office visit.

When Obama officially nominated Berwick in April, he described him as someone who "dedicated his career to improving outcomes for patients and providing better care at lower cost."

Some media outlets have speculated that the GOP's uproar over Berwick might not actually all be directly related to the nominee. Instead, his confirmation hearings would give Republican senators a forum for continuing debate over the new healthcare law in the hopes of helping them secure more seats during the fall midterm elections.

Berwick would become CMS's first permanent leader since 2006. To learn more about Berwick, click here.


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