Monday, April 9, 2012

Diabetic Testing: Identifying Savings Opportunities

Did you know that diabetic care items account for at least 10 percent of a facility’s product spend? On average, a 100-bed facility will spend between $600 and $1,200 per month on testing supplies, which works out to being between $7,200 and $14,000 per year. How can you ensure that you’re getting the most for your money?

One strategy is to compare the number of strips to the number of lancets your facility is using. Ideally, this should be a 1:1 ratio.  If you are seeing anything above a 4 percent variance, it might be time to address the issue through training and tracking. This variance could also indicate that it’s time to take a look at the products you are purchasing. For example, if you are purchasing a less-expensive lancet that is failing more often than one that is slightly more expensive, it is not truly cost effective.

Another area to evaluate is your control solution use. These products can become contaminated if used improperly, so educating your staff on the proper technique for administering control solution tests can help both your staff and your bottom line.

Your ProMed territory manager is ready to help you identify additional opportunities for savings!


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