Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Study: MRSA Can Lurk on Dentures

We've all been told by our dentists that we need to brush our teeth multiple times a day, but what about dentures? Well, if you're not already in the habit of cleaning your false teeth, this might get you into the habit: a new study has shown that dentures are likely to be coated with layers of sticky bacteria known as biofilms.

Biofilms can contain germs such as MRSA and drug-resistant staphylococcus aureus, which can lurk on dentures until being breathed into the lungs, where they can cause hard-to-treat infections.

To prevent this, the study's authors recommend zapping your dentures in the microwave for three minutes (don't do this if your dentures contain metal components!) or soaking them in a solution of 2 percent chlorhexidine gluconate, a germicidal mouthwash, for 10 minutes. Both of these strategies were shown disinfect dentures coated with tough MRSA biofilms for up to a week.

To learn more, click here.


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